
To post a classified job listing, office or equipment sale advertisement with us, call 510-782-5316 or email us at
Classified ads will run for 3 months and will then be removed or you may renew. Ads = Up to 5 lines of text (80 characters with spaces each line max)
- SACDS active members may place 2 free classified ads per year. Ad rates will apply after the 2 free ads. Additional lines will cost $25 each.
- Non-SACDS, but current CDA/ADA members may place a classified ad for $95.00. Additional lines will cost $25 each.
- Auxiliary staff (RDA, RDH, DA) may place 2 free classified ads per year. Ad rates will apply after the 2 free ads. Additional lines will cost $25 each.
- Non-member dentists and other professionals, vendors, commercial real estate, etc. please call 510-782-5316 for current ad rates.
- Classified Ad text: Up to 5 lines (80 characters with spaces each line) $200. Additional Lines will cost $25 each.
- Add a website link = additional $150.